The Whaling Company
494 McLaws Circle
Williamsburg, VA 23185

(757) 229-0275


How can we help you?

Welcome to The Whaling Company

We are best known for fresh fish, simply prepared, at reasonable prices in a unique, comfortable, entertaining environment. Our menu features local, fresh, homemade dishes. Our local partnerships include our friends at Sam Rust Seafood, supplying our fresh fish, oysters, scallops, and shrimp, for over 30 years. Click here to read more about our restaurant.

Hours Subject to Change due to Seasonality

Hours of Operation
Monday Open 4:00pm-8:00pm
Tuesday through Sunday Open 4:00pm – 9:00pm

Happy Hour (only in the bar)
4:00pm – 6:00pm Daily

Early Dining Specials
4:00pm – 6:00pm Daily
Except Saturdays and Holidays

Parties of six or more we require one check please, and we add 20% gratuity.

We like the entire party to be here before seating.

We reserve the right to change our policies daily as we continue to grow.

We are an employee-operated establishment, and as such we are collectively doing the best we can to set policy that best helps us serve our guests the quality experience we are known for.

494 McLaws Circle
Williamsburg, VA 23185

Driving Directions

The Whaling Company